How much print advertising do we really see? You might be surprised if you really pay attention. Print advertising is literally EVERYWHERE. Print Ads in Magazines One of the most... read more →
You may think print advertising is a thing of the past. Is it? Just how effective is print media advertising? With digital all the rage today, maybe we should just... read more →
In today's digital age, where technology dominates our lives, print advertising media often takes a backseat. But just because you're not in the driver's seat doesn't mean you have no... read more →
Determining the right price for your services can be a bit tricky. You know there's a demand for your graphic design services, but how much are they worth? Especially when... read more →
You may be wondering how much demand there is for graphic designers - specifically UX designers. As someone who has been immersed in the graphic design industry for years, I... read more →
Episode Transcript Don Mock 0:20Episode 96 Rob, we're back Rob Broadfoot 0:2296 Don Mock 0:23We're back and I've... read more →
Many designers today do not feel they are adequately compensated for their hours of hard work. Are designers underpaid? Why are designers underpaid? And what can you do to get... read more →
If you're considering a career in graphic design, you may have wondered whether the industry is oversaturated if it there is still a demand for design work. With so many... read more →
As a seasoned professional in the graphic design industry, I understand the overwhelming feeling that can come with a packed work schedule. Your skills are in demand, but you only... read more →
In an increasingly visual and digital world, the role of graphic designers is more pivotal than ever before. They are the silent architects behind stunning advertisements, engaging websites, and eye-catching... read more →