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Episode Transcript Don Mock 0:21All right, Episode 33. We're back. Rob. Rob Broadfoot 0:23We're back, like a bad habit. Don Mock 0:25I feels like the two of us haven't done this in a while. Rob Broadfoot 0:28It's been a few days. Don Mock 0:28It's been a few days. Yeah, time is a flat circle. I don't even know what that means. All right, Episode 33 thought, as we're rockin and rollin, and we have talked in the past about how we're very fond of saying we do...
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The 7 habits of highly effective people are: Habit 1: Be Proactive Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind Habit 3: Put First Things First Habit 4: Think Win-Win Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Habit 6: Synergize Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw Let's look at how these habits tie into marketing leadership. Habit 1: Be Proactive Focus and act on your controllables, not the things outside your control. To successfully lead and support your marketing department, you need to master the art of being proactive. Stephen Covey's first habit is an important tool and...
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Episode Transcript Don Mock 0:20Alright, Rob, who's going to talk first? Rob Broadfoot 0:22Well, you just did. Don Mock 0:24I'm going to talk first evidently, all right. Episode Six, everybody. Figured for today's event, we could talk about office, and work, and agency culture. But that might kind of be interesting for those of us, or not necessarily those of us, but people on the outside world. What's it like working at an advertising agency, or a design studio, or design firm? What's the difference between very...
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