Applying basic financial principles to your marketing department budget can pave the way for wise spending and successful campaigns. By keeping things simple and focusing on what truly matters, you'll be able to make the most of your resources and create marketing strategies that resonate with your target audience. Starting... read more →
Episode Transcript Don Mock 0:19All right, Episode 83. We are back and we're back with J. Gonzo. What's up, dude? J. Gonzo 0:24Not much, man. Just had a great lunch and doing this now. Don Mock 0:27Yeah, exactly.... read more →
The marketing world is constantly changing—are you keeping up? Staying ahead of the curve requires a proactive approach and a clear understanding of the landscape. The journey through marketing director career advancement can feel like navigating through a labyrinth of ever-evolving challenges, opportunities, and strategies. To unlock the doors to... read more →
Episode Transcript Cuyler 0:00All right, we are back. Episode 82. This is how Don starts every podcast with "we're back. No Don and Rob this time. This time. It's myself, Mr. C. And Mike, our fellow resident designer.... read more →
With the rapid pace of change in technology and consumer behavior, outdated marketing can do more harm than good to a brand's image and overall company performance. While outdated marketing is bad, having no marketing at all can also be detrimental to a company's success. In this article, we will... read more →
Your brand is the face of your company, and maintaining an up-to-date marketing approach can help ensure that your business remains at the forefront of consumers' minds. The importance of updating your brand cannot be overstated as it directly impacts your company's bottom line and overall success. In today's fast-paced... read more →
Episode Transcript Zoe Mock 0:19The next step for this is to have you guys record the podcast and post the videos on YouTube. Don Mock 0:25For sure. Video podcast is where it's at. Zoe Mock 0:27You know what... read more →
Companies like Apple, Nike, and Coca-Cola have built their businesses on the foundation of powerful branding and effective marketing. Their growth and profitability are a testament to the importance of these aspects. How do you go about empowering your company through branding and marketing? The key is really to know... read more →
Episode Transcript Don Mock 0:20Alright, Episode 80. We're back and we're back with Zoe. Hello, Zoe. Zoe Mock 0:23Hello. Don Mock 0:24How are you? Zoe Mock 0:25I just realized how white your shoes are. They're very clean. Don... read more →
Episode Transcript Don Mock 0:20All right, episode 79. We're back and we're back with Zoe, special guest. Say hello, Zoe. Zoe Mock 0:25Hello. Hello, Zoe. Don Mock 0:26There ya go. All right. Episode 79. Zoe Mock 0:29It doesn't... read more →