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As a marketer, it's essential to ask yourself, your team, and your company the right questions to bring clarity to and improve your marketing campaigns. Here are some questions you can consider. Objective and Strategy: What are our overall marketing objectives? How does our marketing strategy align with our business goals? Are we targeting the right audience for our products/services? What key messages do we want to convey to our target audience? How do we plan to measure the success of our marketing campaigns? Target Audience: Who are our target customers? What demographic, geographic, and psychographic characteristics define our target...
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Nobody wants to think about getting fired. The truth is, that if you don't measure up, your could get fired. In this document, we will explore some of the common reasons why marketing team members may be fired. If a marketer gets fired, it's usually because they're doing a bad job, they broke the rules, or they're difficult to work with as a person. Let's discuss this further. 1.Poor Performance One of the most common reasons why marketing team members are fired is due to poor performance. This can include not meeting targets, failing to produce quality work, or being...
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Are you a member of a marketing team, tasked with managing your boss' expectations? This can feel like a daunting task to many, as it comes with the pressure of upholding both individual and collective responsibility. But it doesn't have to be overwhelming! Let's talk about how marketing teams manage their boss's expectations... without going crazy! It's really all about communicating well. First, Establish Clear Expectations The first step in effectively managing your boss's expectations is to establish clear expectations from the start. Expectations are huge because you and your career will be assessed by these expectations. This means sitting...
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The success of any marketing career is dependent on being able to accurately measure performance and progress. Here at MOCK, the Agency, we believe that measurement helps us see where we are so we can continue to learn and grow. In this document, we will explore some key metrics and strategies for measuring your marketing career performance. Here's what you can expect: Understanding What Matters to Your Marketing Manager or Marketing Director Questions to Ask Your Marketing Manager to See How You’re Performing How Marketing Teams Manage Their Boss’s Expectations Common Reasons Why Marketing Team Members are Fired Things Marketing...
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IBM Watson did research into the personality traits of top marketing leaders. This was recently discontinued, but the insights are still relevant. Overall Marketing Traits The most successful marketing professionals have a combination of traits that enable them to think outside of the box and come up with innovative solutions. Creativity is essential for creating original content, designing campaigns, and coming up with new ideas for ads and promotions. Marketing professionals need to be confident in order to make decisions and take risks when necessary. They must also be adaptable in order to effectively adjust their strategies in response to...
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Every marketer has a different definition of what "success" means to them. Maybe it means climbing the corporate ladder, or it might mean holding down a great gig with an awesome work-life balance. Marketing career success is what each marketer/creative makes it. In this post, we'll go over some of the general categories of thought for what makes a marketing career worthwhile. We'll cover: Measuring Marketing Career Performance Improving Your Creative Marketing Skills as a Marketing Professional Marketers and Creatives: Surviving in Corporate Marketing Department Teamwork Work-Life Balance as a Marketer Marketing Campaign Management Measuring Marketing Career Performance Measuring marketing...
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We're just a few months away from the start of 2024, and it's clear that the marketing landscape has changed significantly over the past year. With new trends emerging and technology solutions becoming more accessible, there are so many ways for marketers to stay on top of their game. But as exciting as these offerings may be, what roles do you need in your marketing department in order to ensure success? To help you prepare for the future, let’s take a look at some of the changes happening now that could shape where we are headed – along with which...
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In any organization, teamwork is key to success. But what happens when the team isn't working together as efficiently as possible? The answer of course is that not much gets accomplished. So how can you improve teamwork and improve your marketing department and get everyone on the same page? Below are a few tips to help get you started. Addressing Cultural Issues Don't be afraid to address these issues - even if that means removing or replacing key employees or contractors that are toxic to the whole group. A great team starts with great people, and when it comes to...
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Blog Post
You’ve probably heard both sides of the leadership lingo: “Leaders lead from the front” versus “Leaders lead from the back”. Regardless of what school of thought you subscribe to, the important thing is that leading is all about supporting your marketing department team. If you don’t have your team in mind, then your leadership will fail and your team will fall apart. Let’s look at some of the ways you can lead so your marketing team can be primed to be the best they can be. Emotional Intelligence Being aware of your own emotional intelligence levels and seeking to mature...
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There’s plenty to think about when weighing the decision to hire an agency like MOCK or contractors to support your marketing department. Reducing Craziness in the Marketing Department Common problems some marketing departments face include: Lack of resources Unaligned Vision Internal Politics Within the Marketing Department External Pressures Department Demands Outside of the Marketing Department Unclear Objectives The marketing department is a vital part of any successful business, but managing it can be a real challenge. With too few resources, an unaligned vision and internal politics often clashing with external pressures, it’s no wonder so many departments find themselves in...
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