Print ads have the power to capture attention, engage readers, and leave a lasting impact. What is an example of print advertising? My favorite example is the iconic "Got Milk?" campaign. These ads featured celebrities with milk mustaches, showcasing how important it is to have milk in your diet. The... read more →
Episode Transcript Don Mock 0:22Episode 103 We're back Rob. Rob Broadfoot 0:24We're back. Don Mock 0:24We should just change the name of the podcast to we're back Rob how about that? Rob Broadfoot 0:29I'm okay with that. Don... read more →
Online advertising now dominates the marketing landscape. Many businesses have begun to question the effectiveness of traditional forms of print advertising, such as newspaper ads. Is newspaper advertising still effective? The answer is not a simple yes or no. While online advertising has certainly become more prevalent, newspapers still have... read more →
Print is printed, and television is on television... obviously. But when it comes to our marketing strategies and their purposes, what is the difference between print and television advertisements? Print advertising provides detailed information at the consumer's own pace, building understanding and awareness of a product's features. Television advertising creates... read more →
With the rise of online publications and the convenience of accessing information on our smartphones and tablets, it's natural to wonder: Will print magazines survive? While it's true that the magazine industry has faced challenges in recent years, there are still plenty of reasons to believe that print magazines and... read more →
Print advertising has long been a staple in marketing campaigns, but with the rise of digital media, some may question its effectiveness. In an era dominated by online content consumption, it's natural to wonder how long people actually engage with print ads. To shed light on this topic, let's delve... read more →
There are are several different forms of print media advertising. The most common types are newspapers, magazines, direct mail and brochures. How much does print media advertising cost? The cost of print media advertising varies depending on the form used, the geographical area covered and the target audience. What is... read more →
With the rise of digital media and online advertising, many have questioned whether traditional print ads will survive in today's market. What is the future of print advertising? While it is true that digital platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives, print advertising still holds significant value... read more →
A well-designed print ad not only grabs attention but also delivers a clear message to its target audience. But what are the 5 parts of a print ad? The five essential parts of a print ad are the headline, visuals, body copy, call to action (CTA), and branding. Let's dive... read more →
Whether you are using print advertising, social media, or cold calling, you need strategies that work What are the 5 golden rules of advertising? Have a strong headline. Emphasize Benefits. Be consistent. Engage with your audience. Measure and Optimize. Let's look at each one of these a little more closely.... read more →