Do you struggle with separating work from family as marketer? You're not alone. Many marketers face the challenge of balancing work and family life. Their job often requires long hours and constant connectivity. To maintain a healthy work-life balance, it's important to set clear boundaries between work and personal life.... read more →
Episode Transcript Don Mock 0:19All right, Rob. Episode 63. We're back. Rob Broadfoot 0:22We're back. Don Mock 0:22I feel like I say we're back almost every every time. Rob Broadfoot 0:25Yeah. Don Mock 0:26What should I say instead... read more →
As a marketing specialist, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the demands of your boss. Do you have an especially bossy boss? Handing a demanding bass in your marketing department is not impossible. If you evaluate the situation and manage their expectations effectively, you can create a positive working relationship... read more →
Episode Transcript Don Mock 0:19Episode 62. We're back and we're back with our friend Cuyler. Cuyler 0:22Yo. Don Mock 0:23How's it going, Cuyler? Cuyler 0:24It's good. It's good. Another Friday, Don Mock 0:26Another Friday, Friday when we're recording... read more →
Fires in the marketing department are an unavoidable reality. Whether it’s a campaign emergency, a technical malfunction, or something else entirely, you can be sure that at some point your team will have to deal with an unexpected crisis or fire. The key is to handling crises in your marketing... read more →
Why is protecting your alone time as a marketing professional so important? Taking time alone allows you to step back and think creatively, come up with new ideas, and stay focused on the task at hand. It’s also an important part of avoiding burnout and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.... read more →
Episode Transcript Don Mock 0:19All right, episode 61. We're back, Rob. Rob Broadfoot 0:21We're back. Don Mock 0:22Yeah, Rob Broadfoot 0:22We are back. Don Mock 0:24Back in Black. Fantastic album, right? Rob Broadfoot 0:28It was a good album.... read more →
You're a professional marketer. Marketers have long been stereotyped as being consumed by their jobs, working around the clock and never taking a break. Balance the Grind shares that, "One of the downsides... is that you can end up working too much, blurring the boundaries between your home life and... read more →
Do late nights and never-ending to-do lists make it hard to find the time or energy for your social life, family, other hobbies and leisure activities? If so, you are not alone. What are the common problems in the work-life balance of a marketing specialist? Marketing specialists often struggle with... read more →
Episode Transcript Rob Broadfoot 0:20You know, Rob, I think my favorite part of the opening song is the subtle little keyboard in there. You know? It's just kind of hanging out in the background. Like doing a little... read more →