Are you a marketer who is striving to meet the needs of your manager or director? Understanding what matters to your marketing manager or marketing director is part of moving forward in your marketing career performance. Your manager wants to see results and growth, but also wants to be able... read more →
The success of any marketing career is dependent on being able to accurately measure performance and progress. Here at MOCK, the Agency, we believe that measurement helps us see where we are so we can continue to learn and grow. In this document, we will explore some key metrics and... read more →
IBM Watson did research into the personality traits of top marketing leaders. This was recently discontinued, but the insights are still relevant. Overall Marketing Traits The most successful marketing professionals have a combination of traits that enable them to think outside of the box and come up with innovative solutions.... read more →
Episode Transcript Don Mock 0:20Episode 42, Rob. We're back. Rob Broadfoot 0:22Like a bad habit. Don Mock 0:23Yes. Alright, episode 42. Thought it'd be interesting for us to chat about something. I don't know if it's taboo or... read more →
The marketing world is constantly changing, and yet when we look back at its history, the same themes reoccur: the need for strategic thinking, a willingness to take risks and innovate, and an understanding of market dynamics. It’s no surprise then that within companies large or small there has long... read more →
Episode Transcript Rob Broadfoot 0:21Alright, everybody. Welcome back to MOCK, the podcast. Today is episode 41. If you can believe it, and super excited today, to talk with a buddy of mine, and an outstanding industry professional, Mr.... read more →
Every marketer has a different definition of what "success" means to them. Maybe it means climbing the corporate ladder, or it might mean holding down a great gig with an awesome work-life balance. Marketing career success is what each marketer/creative makes it. In this post, we'll go over some of... read more →
Episode Transcript Don Mock 0:19Listen to that awesome theme music. Alright, Episode 40. We're back. We got our friend Mike, who has triumphantly returned. Mike 0:27Yeah. Don Mock 0:27After his last excellent podcast about Comic Sans, which is... read more →
Let's face it—technology is changing the way that marketing departments have to operate. From customer data platforms helping us get a complete 360 degree view of customers across all platforms, to Metaverse providing vast opportunities for virtual and augmented realities, every marketer needs to be up-to-date with the latest tech... read more →
We're just a few months away from the start of 2024, and it's clear that the marketing landscape has changed significantly over the past year. With new trends emerging and technology solutions becoming more accessible, there are so many ways for marketers to stay on top of their game. But... read more →