Episode Transcript
Don Mock 0:21
All right. Episode 133, we’re back Rob.
Rob Broadfoot 0:23
Don Mock 0:25
Larry Bird, yeah, that’s a famous 33 first word that comes to mind. I’m sure there’s plenty of others. Yeah, numerology, man, it’s all the rage, you know?
Rob Broadfoot 0:35
Indiana. Larry Bird
Don Mock 0:37
Yeah, yeah, good times. Um, all right, so we are recording this, and doesn’t matter when you’re listening to it, but when we’re recording it, it’s Friday, so we’re gonna do a little Friday fun day. I thought it’d be fun. I’m just gonna jump right into it. IfThat’s okay, and not talk about advertising and design, really, and just kind of lean into Friday fun day. I mean, it’s the end of a week, man, we’ve been doing a lot of advertising and design. Maybe we need a break from it at the end of the day on a Friday, and rock out. This is always a fun one. And this is a fun one when you’re doing
Rob Broadfoot 1:10
get ready, strap in.
Don Mock 1:11
I know. Well, what? You know, it’s kind of one of those, like, you know, when you’re on a photo shoot and there’s a down time, or when you’re on a production and you’re just kind of shooting the bowl and all that kind of stuff, right? Is the classic desert island quiz game, right?
Rob Broadfoot 1:25
Oh, I was trying to do it
Don Mock 1:30
Yeah, you know, yeah, desert island like, Hey, if you’re trapped on a desert island, what you know like, fill in the blank, right? And the classic go to is always desert island candy bar, if you can only have one candy bar for the rest of your life. Rob, and it would, you know, we’re getting just to get the all the rule, you know, people out of the way and get that all you know, it’s natural, yeah, it’s not a nutritional play. You’re gonna have other you have coconuts and food and whatever, and they’re air dropping it in once a week, or whatever it is, you know what I mean, this is, you know, don’t get all in a water everything. You know. It’s just, hey, you can only have one candy bar for the rest of your life, right? What candy bar are you picking? Is the question.
Rob Broadfoot 2:17
Yeah, it’s a lot to think through. But at the end of the day, I mean, I have my answer.
Don Mock 2:24
Okay, what is it?
Rob Broadfoot 2:25
It’s gonna be the most unpopular answer of all time.
Don Mock 2:29
The most unpopular, that’s like, Rolo or something.
Rob Broadfoot 2:32
No, they are delicious.
Don Mock 2:34
Yeah, okay. What’s the most unpopular?
Rob Broadfoot 2:36
Mine’s gonna be the classic Hershey bar
Don Mock 2:40
Dude that is pretty boring
Rob Broadfoot 2:42
I told you it was gonna be boring
Don Mock 2:44
yeah? The classic, the classic Hershey bar? Not even Cadbury’s. I mean, Cadbury chocolate is far, what are you talking about? It’s far superior to Hersheys,
Rob Broadfoot 2:55
Here’s why. The Hersheys, it’s a classic it’s always delicious. You can eat it a number of different ways so I think that takes a, you know, care of a little bit of the boredom and monotony of being on the island. Stack them. You can break them. You can make shapes out of them.
Don Mock 3:12
Our approaches are vastly different.
Rob Broadfoot 3:16
If you have fire, you could melt it down and make a nice warm topping with it. I’ve never been let down by one. I’ve never I’ve never regretted that choice in the candy bar aisle, not once
Don Mock 3:27
before I jump in with mine. Have you had any of the weird, the derivatives of the traditional Hershey, the almond, the cookies and cream? You know that one
Rob Broadfoot 3:39
No, none of them the OG, OG Hershey bar
Don Mock 3:44
all right, M&M’s or peanut m&m’s. Which one would you have to pick
Rob Broadfoot 3:48
on the island or in general?
Don Mock 3:49
No, just, this is just a side hatch conversation, you know, yeah, since you’re saying OG,
Rob Broadfoot 3:54
I gotta go. I gotta,
Rob Broadfoot 3:55
If I gotta pick one for the rest of time, I gotta go plane
Don Mock 3:58
Really? you are a simple person. I love it. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. Yeah, I do love it.
Rob Broadfoot 4:03
Not to knock on the peanut M&M’s, because it’s a delicious treat
Don Mock 4:05
Yeah But here’s the good news, if we were trapped on the desert island together, yeah, we wouldn’t be fighting over the same candy.
Don Mock 4:12
It’s kind of
Rob Broadfoot 4:13
If you pick like a zero bar, I’m gonna slap you
Don Mock 4:17
Charleston chew. I do love a good Charleston chew, which, again, has nothing in it, and no one loves it, except for me. So my family thinks I’m a freak. That is not my desert island candy bar, though, my desert island can so you’re going for simplicity. Okay.
Rob Broadfoot 4:33
there’s a lot I can do with it.
Don Mock 4:34
Yeah, I’m gonna go completely the opposite. I’m gonna go for complexity, you know? as many ingredients as possible.
Rob Broadfoot 4:41
Can I guess? I guess classic Snickers
Don Mock 4:47
no, no, it’s too much. It’s too much. It’s a lot in there.
Rob Broadfoot 4:51
Oh, then you want a Milky Way?
Don Mock 4:52
No, I’m gonna go. It is take five. Take Five is my favorite candy bar now it has been.
Rob Broadfoot 5:00
That’s horrible can you even buy those
Don Mock 5:01
Hold on, it has been rebranded under the Reese’s umbrella. It is now Reese’s take five.
Rob Broadfoot 5:06
I Wonder why
Don Mock 5:07
Well, because no one was buying it, and the power of Reese’s sells candy bars, right? It is, it is a pretzel base. It is a waffle pretzel base. Okay, snappy, crunchy.Then it is infused with Reese’s. Reese’s put on top of that. Okay, but wait, there’s more caramel on top of that. And then Donk, that whole thing in chocolate, it is a magical but it is an explosion of flavor in your mouth.
Rob Broadfoot 5:39
It’s too much. You’re gonna get bored of that.
Rob Broadfoot 5:42
It’s you. It’s too much.
Don Mock 5:44
I’d say before, you know, my backup would be Twix. Okay, the classic Twix is a good bar because Twix gives you both in terms of the crunch and the chocolate. And, you know, sure, and you know, you can pull them apart, and then it’s like, I got my cookie on one side, I got my Rolo on the other right. Forever. My answer probably would have been Twix. It’s a classic.
Rob Broadfoot 6:01
Then you went to take five.
Don Mock 6:03
Take five. I need a little five minute break on my desert island, you know. Just enjoy. Take five. Yeah, absolutely.
Rob Broadfoot 6:10
Break from all the other work you’ll be doing lashing together. Hut.
Don Mock 6:14
I mean, there’s a lot of weaving, gathering, palm fronds, bowls, yeah
Rob Broadfoot 6:21
fire, trying to make fire.
Rob Broadfoot 6:23
Don Mock 6:23
Yeah, I got all that. I was a boy scout, dude. I got all that covered, like we’re good. So take five. Yeah, take five is my very unpopular, complicated answer.
Rob Broadfoot 6:32
All right, well, I’m gonna, I’m gonna throw a question back, Same Island with your candy bar
Don Mock 6:40
Okay, so we’re still getting the deliveries of the candy bar.
Rob Broadfoot 6:43
You still get to, you still get to enjoy the treat, okay, the tasty treat, in addition to,
Don Mock 6:48
all right, and for the record, I would go peanut M&M’s
Rob Broadfoot 6:50
while you’re sitting now and again and again. Let me preface this by saying nothing else matters about your answer. Don’t ask dumb questions. Okay, all right, there’s nothing practical about this On this island while you’re enjoying your treat, yeah, you get one album to have on the desert island
Don Mock 7:12
one album Oh, my Lord. Okay, I’m gonna listen to this one album. What’s the perfect album?
Rob Broadfoot 7:20
You got one album.
Don Mock 7:22
Oh, dude, you can’t put me on the spot like that.
Rob Broadfoot 7:24
Yeah. I mean, I need an answer. Like, there’s no
Don Mock 7:26
oh, this is one of those, like, I would need to call a friend. You know what I mean,
Rob Broadfoot 7:31
Understand this is a knee jerk reaction and maybe not your final answer, but I need an answer.
Don Mock 7:37
I’m gonna go Iron Maiden live after death. That’s my snap decision, without thinking too much about it. But the first one that popped in my mind is Led Zeppelin four. And my genre, would clearly focus straight on rock. I mean, I would be a rock and roll kind of guy, right, yeah? But I think I would go, I would go maiden. I mean, they’re my favorite band. I literally just drove to Charlotte, you know, throw back to the 80s, you know, I would probably, I mean, I honestly, I could listen to them every single day. I think I probably do, to be quite honest. now, if I sat here for the next three, three hours and pondered this, there would be probably a bevy of different answers. So I’d be like, Oh, I didn’t think about that one. I didn’t think about this.
Rob Broadfoot 8:19
I don’t think I could go, I would want something that’s got a little bit of everything, that’s got some rock and, I mean, your Zeppelin answer is not a bad one, because on any Zeppelin album, you get a range of relaxing to classic to some heavier stuff, yeah. So I think I would need that range.
Don Mock 8:38
If you come in with, like, the sound track to some movie I’m gonna, I’m gonna throw a hissy fit over, you know, so
Rob Broadfoot 8:45
I don’t know if you saw mean girls 2 but
Don Mock 8:48
Well, these singles remember that?. That was a great soundtrack. But heavy rock and roll. Heavy rock and roll. So
Rob Broadfoot 8:55
I think Zeppelin ‘s not a But, but. But then also think through like, Well, gosh, what if I’m on the island, don’t, what if I just want something like, what if I just lean into like, you know what? I’m gonna be super stressed out. So I may just, I may just go full Bob Marley, yeah, just something chill, that can be background music, that can just, but total is gonna relax me.
Don Mock 9:13
Some acceptable answer. I will, I will accept legend, right? I mean, yeah, what are you gonna pick? I mean, what’s your answer? You know, you sprung this on us, what’s the answer? Phone, a friend,
Rob Broadfoot 9:24
it’s gonna be gorgaroth, second album. Guar, yeah, no, no, I might. I’m for purposes of right now, I might go, I might go, Marley. Okay, I just go Marley legends.
Don Mock 9:37
I certainly would peg you for more of a singer songwriter. Chill.
Don Mock 9:42
Rob Broadfoot 9:42
If I’m on that island, I don’t want to get, too amped up.
Don Mock 9:46
You don’t want to rage. You know, there’s no Mosh pitting on the island.
Rob Broadfoot 9:49
I don’t think so. I think I just a lot of coconut and, yeah, yeah,
Don Mock 9:53
I don’t know, I’m alive after death. So I think a good live album from a rock and roll band, you know. Scorpions have a great live or Thin Lizzy, you know, has a great you know, live, you know, I don’t know. I think a live album on the on a desert island might be nice.
Rob Broadfoot 10:10
Well, you feel like they’re people around you, yeah? close your eyes and pretend you are in a crowd
Don Mock 10:15
to your point those layered decade of aggression probably too much. Oh, well, I didn’t consider the double disc, I don’t know, live after death, wasn’t a double disc. I don’t think so. Anyway,
Rob Broadfoot 10:25
double this would be smart,
Don Mock 10:26
yeah, that would be smart for your buck. That’s a tough one. That’s a That’s a good one, though, yeah, that’s a good one, right up there with candy bars. So, soda? What’s your desert island soda? Or we don’t really, I don’t really drink a lot of soda, but I mean
Rob Broadfoot 10:40
funny, you say that I don’t ever drink soda either, and today I did.
Don Mock 10:46
I’ll drink sparkling water.
Rob Broadfoot 10:47
I went to Taqueria today. Shout out, Taqueria.
Don Mock 10:50
Delicious Atlanta tacos
Rob Broadfoot 10:52
and I got a can of Coke, of original classic coca cola,
Don Mock 10:55
the full bore, yeah, not even the zero. Like full coca cola
Rob Broadfoot 11:01
ice cold, classic coca cola, I would probably, if I had to pick one soda, I might, I might go with that, the original coke. How boring? Original coke and a plain Hershey bar and Bob Marley.
Don Mock 11:15
Bob Marley ‘s not boring. I mean, that’s that’s throwing
Don Mock 11:17
a little think
Rob Broadfoot 11:18
Rob Broadfoot 11:18
if you knock down one of those coconuts, just shave some of that off right on top of that little Hershey bar. What happens if you put coconut on a take five just nothing, just more. Just more noise. Yeah, extra. More noise.
Don Mock 11:31
I need to be distracted.
Rob Broadfoot 11:32
More noise for your mouth.
Don Mock 11:34
Well, what about just me spending hours and hours dissecting those take fives into the five different ingredients. Yeah, and I’ve got a bowl of pretzels over here. That’s true. I’ve got a bowl of caramel over there.
Rob Broadfoot 11:46
You know, that’s true.
Don Mock 11:47
I don’t think Coke is a I mean, dude, it’s classic. It’s classic. It’s delicious. I don’t think that’s boring at all. Unlike the, you know, Hershey bar
Rob Broadfoot 11:54
Dr Pepper’s a good one. its a runner up
Don Mock 11:56
If you took Coke, I would take Dr Pepper. I would go with a Mr. PIBB or PI extra Dr Pepper.
Rob Broadfoot 12:02
I like Dr Pepper better than PIP though. I think, just for longevity, I think I do.
Don Mock 12:07
I gotta tell you, if we did a blind taste test, I’m not sure that I could do you, could you? Could you taste the difference between Mr. Pibb? It’s not even Mr. Pibb anymore. It’s called Yeah
Rob Broadfoot 12:16
I think I could.
Don Mock 12:17
You think you could?
Rob Broadfoot 12:19
Yeah, we should do that in the office one day is doing, we should do a blind soda line
Don Mock 12:23
well, but it’s got to be like, you know, PIBB extra, Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper 10, Diet Dr Pepper. Like, all the different funky derivatives of, like, one sort of genre, like, like, I do feel pretty confident I would be able to taste the difference between Coca Cola, Diet Coke and Coke Zero. I think all of us could do that.
Rob Broadfoot 12:42
I think probably the sugar factor… Yeah,
Don Mock 12:45
years ago we did all of the beers. Do you remember that? we did a bunch of beers, every single one, what was it? But it was Dude, it was like six to eight beers or something. Wasn’t it? It was like, Natty light, course, Budlight, it was all the domestic light, Miller Light, all the things, I bet, well, I don’t, you know, news flash. I don’t drink a lot of those beers. I did not do well on that blind taste test at all. I think I got, like, two, yeah, out of eight or 10 or something. Did you do well on that? I can’t, you know, like,
Rob Broadfoot 13:13
I think I did okay. But, yeah, I don’t really drink those beers. So that’s not my,
Don Mock 13:17
yeah, yeah. Well, exactly. It wasn’t really our jam, That’s back when Takis were in and then we had that whole like, remember all the Takis?
Rob Broadfoot 13:26
Oh so gross, oh god.
Don Mock 13:27
Why do kids love the Takis so much?
Rob Broadfoot 13:30
Although they may have kind of fizzled out and we don’t have in our house anymore. We used to always have in our house, but we don’t have it’s no one asked for them anymore.
Don Mock 13:38
Yeah, I don’t, I don’t know if my kids eat them at school or not. I mean, our kids have gotten older. They’re not in middle school anymore. yeah, Takis Not a thing. But yeah, the blind type, okay, so Coca Cola, Hershey bar, Bob Marley, I’m going live after death, Dr Pepper and take five. Yeah, that’s what I’m doing. All right, last one or whatever, and we’ll get out of here on our Friday fun day. Give me your top sandwiches of all time, places, locations.
Rob Broadfoot 14:08
Wait, oh, you mean so it has to be location or type of sandwich
Don Mock 14:11
either or, I mean, this is a wild card. This is a sound effect, yeah. Like, wild card, you know, like, for example, I would go cool corners,
Rob Broadfoot 14:19
Don Mock 14:20
Atlanta, right, cool corners doesn’t exist anymore. You can’t get that but for me, dude, that’s a top five sandwich of all time, yeah? Like, that was never disappointed. For those that know traditional Atlanta, old school Atlanta, 90s, early 2000s like, if you knew cool corners, you knew, you know, you know you’re in, you know what I mean.
Rob Broadfoot 14:39
So I would say mine ‘s gonna be a very obscure reference. But as a more sandwich in general, I am a sucker for a BLT
Don Mock 14:48
classic sandwich, dude.
Rob Broadfoot 14:49
And there used to be a place in Decatur. It was burned down by a fire, unfortunately. But a place called the fifth Earl, and it was next to what is the pool hall. That’s, oh gosh, I’m blanking on it in downtown Decatur. It’s kind of a, not Twain’s, but it’s called, oh my gosh. I forget anyway, it’s not important. The fifth Earl was a little sandwich shop in Decatur, and they had the best BLT that I’ve ever had
Don Mock 15:20
okay, big, thick, juicy tomato.
Rob Broadfoot 15:22
Oh my gosh, yeah, just big, fresh, all fresh ingredients. Okay, fresh tomatoes. All good, local Pine Street bacon and it was just solid. That’s a good, same.
Don Mock 15:30
I think I’ve got one we would both agree on, French dip from Houston’s.
Rob Broadfoot 15:35
Yeah, it’s been a minute. That’s a great, sandwich. It was a great sandwich, I don’t know if it’s still a great sandwich.
Don Mock 15:41
We’re talking nostalgia, It’s not as good as it used to be from the Hillstone takeover, which is not a knock on Hillstone. I think it was just a time cap Time Capsule sandwich. Yeah, that was a good one. I will also accept, I believe it’s called because we were talking about this the other day the Highlander. Didn’t they have the Lionel was that was a French dip over at that place forever, too. And that was a delicious
Rob Broadfoot 16:02
maybe, but I don’t know that I ever eating at the Highlander.
Don Mock 16:07
It’s a drinking place it’s like, I need a shot in a beer.
Rob Broadfoot 16:11
But they had tater tots.
Don Mock 16:14
They also had a all you can eat snow crabs on a Tuesday I used to go with Matt, who’s been on the podcast before, that was dude, those were, those are awesome, not advertised. You kind of had to know, yeah. And then you kind of show up and be like, Hey, are you guys still doing the like, Oh yeah, it’s going on. Be like, All right,
Rob Broadfoot 16:35
here’s my curveball sandwich.
Don Mock 16:37
Don Mock 16:38
I’ll accept a hot dog or hamburger, like, whatever.
Rob Broadfoot 16:40
No, I’m gonna say, I’m gonna say it is the it’s a classic. I go to it all the time. I’m gonna give a shout out to Jersey Mike’s for the roast beef and provolone.
Don Mock 16:51
Okay, you’re gonna go Philly from
Rob Broadfoot 16:53
that Philly ‘s good, yeah, cheese steak is good, yeah. But I all the time. I go to them for their just straight up roast beef and provolone. Roast beef and provolone. Yeah, it’s a boring sandwich, it goes well with a Hershey bar for dessert. Wash it. Wash it down with a coconut, yeah?
Don Mock 17:14
Oh my god, I’d be in a food coma if I ate all three of those things at once, like, I know I’m not 20 anymore. Yeah, right. Well, those are the I mean, I’m sure again, if we sat here for 10 more minutes, we’d come up with more
Rob Broadfoot 17:26
BLT would be my one island sandwich. If I had to pick an island sandwich, I’d go BLT.
Don Mock 17:31
I mean, honestly, that’s not a bad one. You can’t pick like a Philly or a heavy meat lover sandwich.
Rob Broadfoot 17:38
You could go club if you needed a little bit more meat in there, you get a little turkey.
Rob Broadfoot 17:46
All right, folks.
Don Mock 17:42
And I’ll tell you, and I’ll tell you what, man, the best club sandwiches I ever had are in my neighborhood pool back when teenagers used to run the snack bar, yeah, put like, an entire box of like, deli meat. What it was, like, a six inch tall club sandwich, toasted. It would take 26 minutes for a 14 year old. Yeah? I mean, it would be like, order it at one Adult Swim, pick it up at the next Adult Swim. But I’m telling you, man, those were delicious, little tooth picks in there. Yeah, good times. Good times.
Don Mock 18:03
All right. Friday fun day. Friday fun day. Hopefully you’re listening to this on a Monday, and it’s cheering you up and getting you ready for a Friday.
Rob Broadfoot 18:21
I will see you on the island.
Don Mock 18:24
Yes, send us your your hot takes, you know? Yeah.
Rob Broadfoot 18:29
Alright. Everybody. You know where to find us online at www.mocktheagency.com, or find us on the socials. We’re pretty easy to track down @mocktheagency and have a wonderful weekend, everybody, even if it’s not your weekend
Don Mock 18:40
Seriously, it’s weekend somewhere. Bye.
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