Social Media

Attention, Relationship, Presence

 “Social media is more like a telephone than a television.” – Amy Jo Martin 

Why Social Media?  

At Mock, the Agency, graphic designs for social media, and social media campaigns, are a BIG DEAL.

In the modern world, social media has become an integral part of our lives.

It is not just a platform to stay connected with friends and family but also a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience.

Social media offers limitless opportunities for networking and marketing, allowing you to connect with people from all over the world in real time.

With its ability to create relationships and build communities, social media can be used as an effective way to:

  • promote products and services through visuals like photography and more

  • engage customers

  • increase brand awareness

  • boost sales

  • and generate leads.

Whether you are looking for new business opportunities or want to stay up-to-date with industry trends, social media is your go-to place.

Social media has become a major source of news and information.

People from all over the world can use social media platforms to get real-time updates about current events, breaking news stories, and more.

Social media also enables brands and companies to join online conversations about topics they care about, amplifying their voice in the process.

Additionally, social media provides endless opportunities for networking and collaboration, helping to promote dialogue between companies from different industries.


Who’s it for?   

Social media marketing and design is for everyone.

We use it to make valuable connections that reach from our humble Atlanta office to the other side of Atlanta and the world.

Marketing Directors, marketing teams, businesses, organizations, communities, and even public figures can benefit from using social media.

It’s for anyone who wants to connect with others, share information and ideas, or promote a product or service.

Social media is a great way to stay connected with friends and family, build relationships with customers and potential clients, increase brand awareness and engagement, generate leads, and foster collaboration. 


Social medias services is a powerful tool for businesses for many reasons beyond its ability to create relationships and build communities.

It is an invaluable asset when it comes to gathering feedback, understanding customer needs and preferences, and gaining insights into their behavior.

Social media platforms allow businesses to establish direct communication channels with their customers, get in touch with them quickly, and deliver personalized experiences.

Additionally, it provides a low-cost way of measuring the success of campaigns, as well as offers a platform to showcase products or services with the help of high-quality visuals and videos.

Social media also allows businesses to reach out to new audiences.

You can target potential customers based on location, age group, interests, profession etc., meaning that your message will be seen by an audience that is more likely to engage with it.

Moreover, businesses can leverage social media for organic growth through word-of-mouth marketing.

By creating content that others find valuable enough to share or comment on – you can quickly increase brand awareness without spending money on advertisements.

Social media acts like a search engine for companies allowing them to discover new business opportunities and connect with prospective partners or suppliers.

By tracking mentions of your brand name online, you can keep track of what people are saying about your company or product, enabling you to react quickly if needed.

Ultimately, using social media strategically allows businesses to build trust and loyalty amongst customers while creating long lasting relationships with them.


Marketing Directors  

Hiring someone to assist with social media campaigns can alleviate stress for marketing directors by outsourcing tasks they may not be well-versed in.

Social media experts bring specialized knowledge and skills to the table, handling aspects such as content creation, audience engagement, and campaign optimization.

This allows marketing directors to focus on their core responsibilities, confident that their social media efforts are in capable hands.

By entrusting these tasks to experts, marketing directors can reduce the burden on themselves, freeing up time and mental energy to concentrate on other strategic initiatives and overarching goals for the company.

Marketing Teams  

Bringing in someone well-versed in social media can be a game-changer for a marketing team lacking expertise in this area.

Social media specialists offer a fresh perspective and specialized knowledge that can significantly enhance the team’s capabilities.

By collaborating with someone experienced in social media marketing, the team gains access to valuable insights, strategies, and tactics to effectively reach and engage target audiences across various platforms.

This collaboration not only helps to fill the gap in the team’s skill set but also fosters a collaborative environment where knowledge sharing and innovation thrive.

With the support of a social media expert, the marketing team can leverage the power of social media to boost campaign performance, expand brand reach, and drive meaningful results.

Client Outcomes   

Our clients have benefited from our social media service by being able to reach more people and gain more customers.

This gives more results and increases production in a shorter time, which allows our clients to focus on more important tasks as hand.

They can also get feedback from customers, understand what they need and want, and find out what they like or don’t like.

It is a great way for companies to spread the word about their business without spending much money on advertising.

Social media can be used strategically to build trust and loyalty between customers and the company.

Quick N’ Eat  

One of our Atlanta area clients, Quick N’ Eat, was preparing to launch a new 4oz frozen patty product.

They brought us in to to help the company reach its target audience with a refreshed digital brand.

We designed attractive visuals and videos to capture users’ attention.

We also tailored each post according to the platform’s specific standards, using the right resolution and image size for each one.

You can see more examples of our design work here. 

Client Experience  

Many of our clients started out looking for these things from an agency.

1. Creativity and Innovation: They look for agencies that can bring fresh ideas and innovative approaches to their social media campaigns, helping them stand out in a crowded digital landscape. 

2. Strategic Thinking: Clients value agencies that can develop comprehensive strategies tailored to their specific goals, target audience, and industry trends. 

3. Strong Brand Understanding: They want agencies that take the time to deeply understand their brand identity, values, and voice, ensuring consistency across all social media channels. 

4. Proven Track Record: Companies seek agencies with a demonstrated history of success in executing effective social media campaigns and delivering measurable results for their clients. 

5. Adaptability and Flexibility: Clients appreciate agencies that can adapt quickly to changing trends and market dynamics, adjusting strategies as needed to maximize impact. 

6. Clear Communication: Effective communication is essential, with clients looking for agencies that provide transparent reporting, regular updates, and open lines of communication throughout the collaboration. 

7. Collaboration and Partnership: Clients prefer agencies that view their relationship as a partnership, working closely with them to achieve shared objectives and fostering a collaborative environment. 

8. Value for Money: While cost is a consideration, clients prioritize agencies that offer high-quality services and tangible value, delivering a strong return on investment for their marketing budgets.

This is where we meet them in their journey.

The Client Journey  

Your journey with our social media service begins with a detailed consultation to identify the objectives and goals of their campaign.

We then analyze your target audience’s demographics, interests, and preferences to develop an effective strategy tailored to their needs.

Afterward, we help our clients create high-quality content that is engaging and relevant to their target audiences to maximize the impact of your campaigns.

Our team of creatives also specialize in creating organic social media content which resonates with customers and promotes brand loyalty.

Our team takes time to understand each client’s voice, tone and feel, so that they can create content which reflects their individual brand identity.

social media

Once the initial setup phase is complete, we proceed with setting up targeted ad campaigns on various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

We monitor performance metrics such as likes, comments, shares and conversions in order to optimize the campaigns for higher returns.

We also engage in customer service activities by responding quickly to user queries or complaints.

Through proactive customer engagement via direct messages or comments – our clients are able to build relationships with influencers as well as potential customers.

When partnering with us, we guarantee that your social media presence will be optimized for maximum reach and engagement.

You can expect a dedicated social media manager available who has an understanding of customer service best practices as well as relevant industry trends.

We had the option also, that if you want to add other forms of advertising like print or direct mail, we can help you with that as well. 


Our goal is to create long term partnership with our clients with our social media services.

We’re a smaller shop that values having quality client relationships.

We purposely cut out the bloat of big 100 person agencies.

We believe that in the simplicity of a small team, greater attention and care can be devoted to each client. We’re a fast, nimble small team on purpose.

We’re bringing decades of experience, but most importantly a focus on serving clients, not running up an hourly bill, or having pointless meetings.

By joining together, we are able to provide our clients with a full suite of services that cover all their social media needs, from content creation to campaigns and customer support.

Whenm you partnering with our social media team, you can be sure your presence is being managed by professionals who have years of experience in developing successful online campaigns on various platforms.

Now you can focus on what matters most – running your business.



Trust is like the glue that holds a professional relationship together. It’s nurtured by honesty, reliability, and genuine care. We care about our people.


Got something you need by Friday? Make sure to check your inbox on Thursday – at our agency, we move with speed and efficiency, keeping up with the pace of business.

This is about getting you creative solutions at the speed of business.


When you speak directly to the professionals responsible for your business, there’s no room for misinterpretation.


We deserted the intricate agency processes in lieu of a more efficient alternative. Everyone takes part in creating, and every individual is considered equally important.


The more layers, the harder it is to do things smarter and better. Let’s streamline to accomplish our goals.


We believe in only delivering results that meet or exceed expectations.

Because when you win, we win. 

Our Capabilities  

We offer a comprehensive suite of services aimed at maximizing brand visibility, engagement, and growth on social media platforms.

The different platforms of social media may include:

  • Social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter

  • Microblogging sites like Tumblr and Twitter

  • Photo sharing sites like Instagram and Flickr

  • Video sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo

  • Social bookmarking sites like Reddit and Digg

  • Consumer review sites like Yelp and TripAdvisor

  • Online forums and discussion boards like Quora and Reddit

  • Each of these areas offers unique opportunities for businesses to reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals.

On these sites, we provide a wide range of services to help businesses establish and maintain a strong presence on social media platforms.

Here’s what we can help you with:

  • Social Media Strategy Development

  • Content Creation

  • Social Media Management

  • Paid Advertising Campaigns

  • Audience Research and Analysis

  • Social Media Analytics and Reporting

  • Influencer Marketing

  • Social Media Listening and Monitoring

  • Social Media Training and Workshops

  • Crisis Management

  • Social Media Platform Setup and Optimization

  • Community Building and Engagement

  • Content Calendar Planning

  • Trend Analysis and Forecasting

  • Customer Support and Response Management

  • Reputation Management

Just let us know if you want a social media package or help with one or two things.

We’ve got you covered.

Our Process  

Step 1: Analysis  

The client process for social media services begins with an audit of the company’s current social media channels.

This will involve analyzing existing content such as posts, comments, and engagement metrics to identify potential areas of improvement.

We then develop a detailed report outlining our findings and offering recommendations for improvement.

Step 2: Strategy  

The next step is to create a tailored social media strategy for the client that outlines the goals and objectives for their social media presence.

This strategy includes everything from setting up profile pages on relevant social media platforms, creating content calendars, developing engagement tactics, and outlining communication plans.

Step 3: Implementation  

Once the social media strategy is approved by our client, we begin implementing it across all social media platforms.

This includes creating engaging content that aligns with the company’s image and message as well as curating content from other sources that may be relevant to their industry or customers.

Additionally, we actively engage with users on social media by responding to comments and messages promptly as well as joining in on conversations regarding relevant topics or products.

Step 4: Optimization  

We also monitor key performance indicators such as likes, shares, followers, website traffic conversions, etc., to track progress over time.

This helps us identify which tactics are working best so that they can be optimized or improved upon if necessary.

Regular reporting is used to provide our clients with an overview of progress against their social media goals which can be used to inform decision making going forward.

Step 5: Availability  

Finally, we continue working with clients on an ongoing basis to ensure their social media presence is constantly evolving according to customers’ needs and preferences in order to stay ahead of competitors in the market space.

Our team of expert creatives are always available to answer any questions or assist our clients in whatever way may be necessary throughout this entire process. 

The MOCK difference.

MOCK the Agency stands out from other marketing agencies by our commitment to excellence in every aspect of our services.

Unlike agencies that specialize in one area, we strive to excel in all facets of marketing to meet our clients’ personalized needs comprehensively.

Whether it’s crafting compelling social media campaigns, designing impactful logos, or providing support in any other aspect of marketing, we go above and beyond to deliver outstanding results tailored to each client’s unique requirements.

Our holistic approach ensures that every aspect of your brand’s marketing strategy is cohesive, effective, and geared towards achieving your goals.

So whatever you need – or don’t – let us know and we’ll jump in and give you the support you need.

Web Design
Social Media
Content Development
SEO / Adwords
“MOCK, the agency is truly a turnkey agency, consistently delivering gifted creative with the sense of urgency companies like ours demand. They have become our agency of record in just a few short months as a result of continuously exceeding our expectations – always efficient and always on budget.”
Nathan Miles | Director of Marketing- Retail | George’s, Inc.